Natural Ingredients Make Natural Beauty

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Natural Ingredients Make Natural Beauty
image source : shefashiontips

Natural ingredients are all around us, it can improve the beauty of your body begin hair to the ends of toenails. Besides the cheap, the ingredients are also easy on the get. These are natural ingredients make natural beauty :
  • Honey for feet
    Who would not be tempted to have a soft and shiny feet? Honey is known to have many benefits, one of which can make your feet shiny and soft. Apply pure honey to the skin, then pat dry. Then wash and get the skin moist, soft and shiny.
  • Tomato mask
    Tomato mask believed to restore burned skin by sunlight.
    take ½ ripe tomatoes and fresh, pulverized in a blender or can be ground. Add a little honey. Rub entire face and leave on for 15 minutes. After that wash your face with warm water using a soft small towel / washcloth / sponge. Then wash with cold water. 
  • White Eggs Mask Plus Lime
    White eggs mask can reduce the oil on face and and shrink pores. So that acne is reduced. Its use is 2 times a week.
    Beat white eggs, then add lemon juice to taste as well. Apply the mask to the entire face. Let stand for 15 minutes. After that wash with warm water using a soft / washcloth / sponge. After that compress the face.
  • Avocado mask
    Avocado mask used for normal skin or dry skin. Avocado contains fat, so it is not recommended for oily skin use avocado mask.
    Pulverized ¼ part of avocado is ripe . Give a little honey. Apply the mask to the face. Let stand 15 minutes, then wash your face with warm water, then with cold water. Just like an egg mask plus lime, use is 2 times a week. 
  • Cucumber
    Cucumber can smooth the skin, refreshing facial pores and summarize. Cucumber can also be used by all skin types.
    Cut the cucumber into thin, then put on the face. Do it while lying down. 
  • Hazelnut for hair
    Hazelnut can menjadiakan begin hair stronger and more fertile once discolor.
    Mash six seeds so smooth and toasted pecans with a little water until oily. After that rub walnut oil to the scalp with a massage. 
  • Turmeric For Hand
    Pollution and the sun makes the skin dull, dull skin can be treated with turmeric scrub.
    Turmeric grated and mixed with water and leave for a few minutes. After that, mix the rice flour and rub into skin. 
  • Cinnamon For Face
    Cinnamon can eliminate acne disturbing.
    Mix one teaspoon of cinnamon powder with three tablespoons of honey. Apply this mixture on the acne before sleeping and wash it with warm water upon awakening. Do not be afraid of the sensation of heat generated cinnamon. If you do this regularly, the skin will recover.

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