Eliminate Comedones on Nose Naturally

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Eliminate Comedones on Nose Naturally
image source : zoranovblog
How do I get rid of blackheads on nose? The nose has always been a favorite place for comedones. If blackheads are perched on the nose, it would be a problem because it damages the perfect appearance. Today, many emerging cosmetic products that are used as a way to get rid of blackheads on my nose.
Actually a lot of ways of eliminating blackheads on my nose. But if only a small bump and the outside of the little bumps are not black, then it is called a whitehead or more easily referred to as closed comedones. Here's how to get rid of blackheads on the nose comedones by type.

How to Remove Blackheads on the Nose
If blackheads are very piled, needed facials every month which is very effective in lifting the blackheads. In addition to how to eradicate blackheads in the area around the nose with a facial routine, we should also regularly clean your face twice a day with a face washing soap especially when going to sleep at night. You should also use a facial cleanser scrub also twice a week and use products that are non-comedogenic cosmetics for facial cleansing milk, sunscreen, foundation, and powder compact.

How to Remove Whiteheads on the Nose
Clean your face with soap facial cleanser that contains salicylic acid because it had helped reduce the oil, lifting grease and remove dirt on the face can lead to blackheads. And if your face is cleared, do not forget to use a toner to help shrink pores.
Tips eliminate the problem of blackheads on the nose with natural materials is often done by using egg white as a mask that effectively remove blackheads. Then close the face with a tissue and let it dry. If it dries, remove tissue and blackheads lift lifted with the tissue. So, no need to worry about the problem of blackheads. The important thing is to do regular maintenance on the basis of annoying blackheads. Hopefully I eliminate blackheads on nose helpful.

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