Skin Care How To Clean White and Natural

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Skin Care How To Clean White and Natural

How to care skin naturally - Different ways and tips ranging from skin care facial skin to sensitive skin. Who would not want to have beautiful skin and clean? Everyone will want it, it was done so many different ways to get healthy skin, beautiful and clean. And not a few others costs incurred to obtain the desirable skin.
This time I will share how to care for the skin naturally and how to prevent dry and sensitive skin. Before yours skin care, first thing to do is to know the type of skin that yours , because it will be easier to perform these skin care.
How to Prevent Dry and Sensitive Skin :
  1. You Should not be too often washing cleanses the skin or face, because if too often clean the skin with soap, your skin will lose natural moisture and make your skin dry and unhealthy. And use warm water to wash your face.
  2. Should use a moisturizer every day. If you have the sensitive skin type, should use a moisturizer that does not contain perfumes or lanoli.
  3. Use sunscreen if you are outdoors or open air. Should use a sunscreen that has an SPF of at least 15 SPF.
  4. Avoid massaging the skin with powerful and do not use scrubs.
  5. Avoid drinks that contain caffeine.
  6. Drink plenty of water, at least 2-3 liters per day. Besides being able to make the skin look not dull, the water is also very good for the health of your bodies.
  7. Sport for about 30 minutes in 3 times a week. Sports in addition to burning fat is also very good for the skin so that the skin looks fresher. 
How Natural Skin Care :
  1. Papaya Papaya than good for digestion also excellent for rejuvenating the skin.
    How: Puree the papaya that has ripened, then mix with 1 tablespoon of honey. After that, apply on face and leave on for 20 minutes, and rinse thoroughly. Efficacy of papaya can menganggkat dead skin cells and prevent wrinkles on the face .
  2. Melon fruit
    Nutritious melon cool the burned skin by the sun, and melon also contains astrigent useful as a tonic that can cool the face burnt by the sun. How: Thin slices of melon and compress on the face for 20 minutes, then wash with clean water.
  3. Glutinous rice
    Glutinous rice is very good in taking care of the skin, in addition to easy and do not need to pay quite expensive. The trick is: Glutinous rice is first washed and drained (in the wash just watered it, do not get soaked with water). Enter the glutinous rice in a bag made of satin and cotton. After that slowly mashed until smooth, then celupkanlah bag filled with mashed rice earlier into the warm water, let stand for a few minutes until the change becomes like milk. Once the water becomes like milk, then wipe the bag containing the rice evenly to skin , and let stand up to 2 minutes.

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