Caring for Dull Skin

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Caring for Dull Skin
image source : anglnwu.hubpages

Leaving accumulate dead skin can make skin look dull facial. Tips for membersihkanya easiest is by using exfoliating scrub. There are several ingredients in the kitchen to use for this. But first you need to customize it to your skin condition. Because of the way scrape scrub will greatly affect the condition of your skin, it can be positive as well as negative.
It is important for you to consider what type of skin as you choose a scrub, so that the result will be maximized and also you'll avoid skin irritation. The following materials that you can use to scrub:
  • Powdered rice bran beneficial for sensitive skin care. Rice bran powder has a soft texture that you can use a scrub to cleanse the face, it can also remove the top layer of dead skin cells. The trick is you just mencampurkanya with a little water and massage the face gently and then rinse. Powdered rice bran is rich in phytic acid, which would stimulate the growth of collagen skin elastisiatas guard.
  • The texture of sugar and also the formula that is softer than the salt, suitable for dry skin types. Since sugar is also a humectant that helps the skin will always be moist. What's more, the sugar could also serve as a source of glycolic acid, which can make the skin strong, not easy to peel.
  • Sagging skin is certainly not something to be desired, you can use scrubbing with a coarse coffee grounds. For those of you who have normal skin type, can use coffee grounds to maintain healthy skin. Since it is a stimulant that has antioxidant properties and is also very well used to scrub, because the coffee will be able to help tighten and nourish the skin.
  • By the time you experience skin redness or sunburn too, you can relieve the scrub using oatmeal. With oatmeal itching and soreness caused facial massage can be reduced by using less water and oatmeal mixture. Let stand briefly until slightly dry and then rinse and apply moisturizer. Scrub is also great for oily skin.
  • Sea salt is a pretty harsh exfoliator ingredient, do not apply on the face. But you can use it in the elbow and heel area. However, because of its salt makes skin dry, while using it mixed with oil. Can olive oil or argan oil.

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