5 Habits of Beauty Care That Destructive Health

Monday, October 22, 2012

5 Habits of Beauty Care That Destructive Health
image source : amazon

Experts warn about some beauty treatments that can be bad for your health. Here is a list of custom beauty about risk to health :
  1. Never wash make-up brushes
    Cosmetic brush you put on make-up bag is a hotbed of disease and germs. If you never clean your cosmetic tools - at least once a week - they will be contaminated by dead skin cells, oil, and even bacteria. Lead to diseases such as allergic reactions and infections of the skin. So, make cosmetic cleaning tool as important as cleaning your face.
  2. Borrowing lipstick and eye make-up
    Wearing lipstick and eye make-up belonging to someone else is not a good idea. Lips, mouth, and throat are home to all sorts of germs and you can not tell whether your friend is germ free only from looking at it. In addition to fever and flu viruses that can potentially infect your lips can rupture and bleed, and eventually transferring diseases incubate in the blood. In addition, bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, Beauty Care can cause severe skin infections, often found in eye makeup. Conjunctivitis (eye inflammation) can easily be passed as well.
  3. Borrowing nail clippers
    Even sharing scissors can threaten your health. Speck of blood on the skin around the nail can spread germs invisible to the user through a slit the skin further. But maybe they suffer from Hepatitis B, a disease that damages the liver without you knowing it.
  4. Using expired cosmetics
    Remember: Most powder, concealer and lipbalm only lasting a few years. Moisturizers can not hold later than six months because they contain fatty acids, Beauty Care can not last long. Eyebrow pencil can last several years unless you wet the tip with saliva or water. But the mascara and eye make-up in general should be replaced after a maximum of three months of usage. Foundation can last a year if you are not directly touching it with your hands. Store cosmetics in a cool, dry place outside the bathroom to maintain durability.
  5. Using eyeliner inside the lash line
    The doctors warned that this can clog the pores of oil, Beauty Care helps the production of tears, on the outskirts of your eyelids. If the hole is clogged pores, you will suffer from dry eye syndrome, which can cause inflammation. If not treated, it can damage the eyes and cause blindness.

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