Tips tricks to avoid dry lips

Friday, October 26, 2012

Tips tricks to avoid dry lips
image source : ourvanity
The air temperature is cool, plus if you are a smoker, dry lips can increasingly become. But do not worry, because there are several ways to overcome dry lips.
  1. Drink water as much
    Expand consume water at least 8-10 glasses per day. As we know that around 80% of the human body consists of water. Water is necessary to replace the fluid out of the body through sweat, urine, breath, and secretion. So if the dehydration body of one of its effects is to cause the lips to become dry and sometimes cracked.
  2. Eat lots of vegetables.
    Choose green leafy vegetables, carrots, tomatoes as well. Vegetables or fruits high in vitamin A will help repair skin damage.
    Eat fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of fiber, minerals, and fluids. Because in vegetables and fruits are included vitamin that works as an antioxidant. This is what binds the antioxidant and destroy free radicals and can protect the body from oxidative reactions that can produce toxins.
  3. Sliced cucumber, coconut oil, aloe vera or honey will be very useful for dry lips. Apply gently on the lips dry, do regularly.
  4. Always provide a lip moisturizer
    Use lip gloss or lipbalm containing vitamins and sunscreen to avoid the dangers of sun exposure, which is one factor that causes dry lips. When it was getting dry, apply immediately. Choose containing beewax, shea butter and SPF to protect lips from the sun. 
  5. Choose a lipstick that suits your skin
    Choose a lipstick that suits your skin type and make sure it contains moisturizers, lipsticks are made from natural and contain emollient. 
  6. Do not lick your own lips. Saliva evaporates quickly, and this makes the lips more dry.

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